Interest have increased by approximately 1,7% since the 1...

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Interest have increased by approximately 1,7% since the 1st of December 2021 This is really amazing, nobody expected it, specialist are now looking back to find the reasons: Pandemic, Ukraine war, inflation, etc. The increase was overdue and expected for years! I believe it is a mixture of all, but if we know it or do not know it, it does not really make a difference, fact is the higher interest level. Fact is your personal situation. Fact is: Look into your intention and your future situation. I am not an economist, however, also epected will be: - Rents will be increase in the future, too, based on inflation. - Inflation will partially offset your debts - As an investor, you have also higher tax deductible features (interests, costs) in the future. Please do me the favor, do not look back and tell yourself: "Why haven't we financed before December?" There was definitely a reason, no object, no permanent resident, new job..... Please look forward and go forward. If you want to analyze your personal situation, please feel free to contact me.

Sabine Krauß

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Dieser Beitrag wurde am 24.04.2022 veröffentlicht von:
Sabine Krauß

aus Mannheim

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