Based on increasing interests customer ask me: - Will th...

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Based on increasing interests customer ask me: - Will the prices of the real estates now decrease? I do not believe, certainly not at good locations as long as the requests are higher than the offer in the market - Will this be now to expensive? May be, since December we have an increase of more than 1% p.a., this has to be calcultated in detail and depends on "Capital investment or own usage?" - Will the interests decrease soon, again? I do not believe, since on the long run, we still have low interests! However, to clarify all your question for your specific case, we should calculate it together, just register on my landingpage Looking forward.

Sabine Krauß

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Dieser Beitrag wurde am 26.03.2022 veröffentlicht von:
Sabine Krauß

aus Mannheim

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