KfW News from February, 19th 2024

news baufinanzierung

KfW to Resume Applications for Sustainable Construction and Housing Programs

Starting Tuesday, February 20, 2024, Germany's KfW bank will reopen applications for several key funding programs aimed at promoting sustainable construction and housing. These include loans and grants for climate-friendly new residential and non-residential buildings (programs 297, 298, 299, and 498/499), support for cooperative housing projects (program 134), and investment grants for reducing barriers in homes (program 455-B). These initiatives, funded by the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development, and Building, were temporarily halted at the end of 2023 due to budget freezes or depleted federal funds. The resumption marks a significant step towards advancing sustainable and accessible housing development in Germany

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Dieser Beitrag wurde am 19.02.2024 veröffentlicht von:
Sabine Krauß

aus Mannheim

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