„He was professional and”
„He was professional and friendly to customer. A sample case that a financial advisor should be.”
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„He was professional and friendly to customer. A sample case that a financial advisor should be.”
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„Ein sehr interessante und informatives Gespräch. Es wurden viele Möglichkeiten besprochen, die uns unbekannt waren. Auf Fragen wurde kompetent geantwortet, und angrenzende Themen wurden auch angesprochen.”
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„I needed assessment regarding Private Health Insurance and Retirement Plan that would allow me to apply for a residence permit. Leonardo listened to my situation and concerns, and researched extensively the options. Then, he explained everything to me with a lot of patience and made sure that everything was clear. At the same time, I invested some of my savings. Leonardo showed me different options and advised me, making the process really simple for me. Leonardo keeps contact with me, answers my messages right away and is always offering a helpful hand. I'm very satisfied and thankful!”
Das hat mir gut gefallen:
Leonardo's dedication to my particular needs and his proactivity offering solutions
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